Turbo & Charja Hartley
In clinic we form many friendships with our clients due to them visiting us regularly, whether it’s for grooming, an aging pet or for their animal’s general Veterinary care.
Melissa & Chris Hartley are obsessive “fur parents”. We originally met Melissa with their first child, Harry. We were all on the roller coaster ride with Melissa, when Harry began to age and required constant treatment. Obsessive is an understatement when referring to the Hartley’s commitment to Harry and when it was time for him to go to the “rainbow bridge” at the age of almost 11, our hearts broke for Melissa.
It took a while, but it was time for a new family member. Turbo Hartley arrived, another English Bulldog who is now 2 years old. Adjusting to a new pup took some time, we all tend to forget going through puppyhood with the patience and training required. Turbo quickly worked out that he was King. Melissa furnished his palace accordingly with doggy couches, platters to eat from, toys and even had a party to celebrate his first birthday with “doggy mates” and a birthday cake along with party hats.
Was Turbo lonely? Definitely not, but a new sister arrived. In keeping with the mechanic theme of names, they now have Charja who is 5 months of age. She is now the dominant family member, who annoys and chews on Turbo who has become complacent.
Bulldogs are recognised by their hefty, muscular frames with the wrinkled and distinctive pushed in nose. They are one of the few breeds whose tail is naturally short. They are either straight or screwed (curled) but never docked. Many Bulldogs owners will attest that they are not known for their intellect. The breed has been rated number 78 of 80 in intelligence by obedience experts but they are excellent family pets because of their tendency to form strong bonds with children. They are extremely friendly but just as stubborn.
It is great to work with families that have such commitment to their “fur-babies” and bring a laugh to our day. Melissa certainly ticks both of those boxes and we will have a long relationship with the new family, Turbo and Charja.