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Burmese Cats

Burmese cats in Australia are more at risk of Type 2 diabetes than American Burmese cats or other cat breeds in Australia.  They were bred from only a few founder cats brought here in the 1960’s, which by chance had more type 2 diabetes susceptible genes than usual.  This is the opinion of West Australian diabetes researchers.

This discovery helps pave the way for genetic testing to help prevent high-risk cats from developing the condition.  Cat breeders can also use this information to breed low-risk cats.

Chronic Renal Insufficiency

Chronic kidney disease ( also known as renal insufficiency) is one of the most common diseases seen in older cats.  Just like people, cats have 2 kidneys.  The kidneys are responsible for filtering the  blood and removing some of the toxins, as well as assisting in maintining hydration and producing urine.

Dental Disease

Dental disease involves a range of oral problems from mild plaque (mild bacterial byproducts build up) to tartar and calculus (mineralized bacterial products that form a thick hard layer, allowing the proliferation of bacteria) to gingivitis (reversible inflammation of the gums) to severe periodontal disease (irreversible, extremely painful damage to the ligaments and bone that hold teeth in place).

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a serious medical condition causing a persistently high blood glucose level. Blood glucose levels are modulated my several factor such as stress, diet, exercise and the hormones insulin and glucagons. Insulin allows the glucose to be taken up into the cells of the body. In cats, diabetes is commonly due to a reduction in the production of insulin and/or a reduced sensitivity of the cells of the body to the insulin.

Feline Hydration

Water is vital to life and considered the most important nutrient.  It is the predominant component of most body tissues and accounts for approximately 60% of bodyweight in cats.

Water serves many physiological functions including transport of nutrients, lubricant, metabolic functions, thermo-regulation and elimination of waste products through the kidneys. 

Cats evolved as desert animals and compared to dogs appear to have a less effective an incomplete response to hydration. 

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) describes a variety of conditions the affect the bladder and urethra of cats.  Cats with FLUTD most often show signs of difficulty and pain when urinating, increased frequency of urination and blood in the urine.  They also tend to lick themselves excessively and may urinate outside the litter box, often on cool, smooth surfaces like a tiled floor or bath.

Feline Osteoarthritis

Arthritis is a complex disease involving the painful inflammation and degeneration of joints. As the joint cartilage (the spongy cushion layer in the joint) begins to thin, this causes pain and the release of inflammatory cells. These cells produce molecules that cause further damage to the joint and start a vicious cycle of damage =>inflammation => further damage.

FLUTD - Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Cats can develop serious urinary problems, so it’s important to learn how to recognise signs of trouble early to help treat and relieve your cat from unnecessary pain.

Hypertension in Cats

Just like humans, cats can also develop Hypertension, which is the medical term for high blood pressure. Hypertension is a condition seen in older cats whereby blood pressure increases and can have harmful secondary effects on other organs around the body including the eyes, kidneys and heart.

Hypertension is often seen as an effect of other diseases, cats with hypertension may be showing signs attributable to their underlying problem.  Causes of hypertension can include kidney disease, endocrine or hormonal diseases, idiopathic (unknown cause)/spontaneous and “White coat effect”.


Hyperthyroidism is a disease of the Thyroid gland, where it is over-producing thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland is found at the front of the neck. Thyroid hormone is used by the body to control metabolic rate.

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

You noticed that your senior cat’s fur has been looking scruffy lately. He’s been eating like crazy, but he’s still losing weight. He’s suddenly acting hyper and crying in the night, and when you go to clean the litter box, it’s flooded with urine.  A visit to the vet and a blood test reveals that he has feline hyperthyroidism. So, what do you do about hyperthyroidism in cats?

While having only been identified in the past 30 years or so, hyperthyroidism has become the most common endocrine disease diagnosed in cats.

The disease is a result of a benign growth on the thyroid glands that produces an excessive amount of thyroid hormone (or T4).  In a small percentage of cats, this growth is cancerous.

Lilly Toxicity

We do not realise that some of the simplest things in our everyday world can be such a hazard to our pets. Lilies are plants which are commonly included in many ornamental arrangements and are a popular choice particularly at this time of year in our homes, but they can cause disastrous problems if ingested by our cats. 


Neoplasia is another word for cancer. While tumours can be found at any age, older cats have an increased risk of developing malignant (aggressive) tumours. Veterinary therapy is constantly advancing and some cancers can be treated effectively with surgery or chemotherapy. If you are concerned about any lumps, bumps, sores or scabs, abnormalities with eating, drinking, urinating or defecating, then please contact the clinic. Two of the most common tumours in cats are nasal squamous cell carcinomas and lymphoma/lymphosarcoma.

Snake Season

With curiosity and natural hunting instincts it is not uncommon for our pets to cross paths with a snake. Here in the northern suburbs we have the Plenty and Yarra Rivers and access to many dams and parks with water. This may be where snakes have hibernated during colder weather and will now become active in Summer months.


Why Cats have more lives than dogs when it comes to snakebite.

Cats are twice as likely to survive a venomous snakebite than dogs, according to the University of Queensland research.

The research team compared the effects of snake venoms on the blood clotting agents in dogs and cats, hoping to help save the lives of our furry friends.

Snakebite is a common occurrence for pet cats and dogs across the globe and can be fatal.  This is primarily due to a condition called “venom-induced consumptive coagulopathy”-where an animal loses its ability to clot blood and sadly bleeds to death.